Long & Wasted Years - Bob Dylan Cover - Christoph Holzhöfer

"Copyright music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Special Rider -- for original, exclusive
performances by Bob Dylan, check-out the official channel at www.youtube.com/bobdylan."

It's been such a long, long time
Since we loved each other and our hearts were true.
One time, for one brief day,
I was the man for you.

Last night I heard you talking in your sleep
Saying things you shouldn't say.
Oh baby,
You just might have to go to jail someday.

Is there a place we can go?
Is there anybody we can see?
It's the same for you as it is for me.

I ain't seen my family in twenty years
That ain't easy to understand.
They may be dead by now;
I lost track of them after they lost their land.

Shake it up baby, twist and shout,
You know what it's all about.
What you doing out there in the sun anyway?
Don't you know the sun can burn your brains right out?

My enemy crashed into the dust,
Stopped dead in his tracks, and he lost his lust.
He was run down hard, and he broke apart.
He died in shame; he had a iron heart.

I wear dark glasses to cover my eyes.
There are secrets in them that I can't disguise.
Come back baby,
If I hurt your feelings, i apologize

Two trains running side by side
Forty miles wide, down the eastern line.
You don't have to go,
I just came to you because you're a friend of mine.

I think that when my back was turned,
The whole world behind me burned.
It's been a while
Since we walked down that long, long aisle.

We cried on that cold and frosty morn.
We cried because our souls were torn.
So much for tears,
So much for these long and wasted years.


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Christoph Holzhöfer


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Bob Dylan
Lyrics 1962-2001

Bawar, André

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